what the fuck were you fucking smokein when you fucking made that fucking fucked up movie that i fucking watched you are some kind of fucking genuies you funny fuck face i never knew that fucking much about the fuck word good fuckig job
what the fuck were you fucking smokein when you fucking made that fucking fucked up movie that i fucking watched you are some kind of fucking genuies you funny fuck face i never knew that fucking much about the fuck word good fuckig job
8 bit rules
8 bit rules
8 bit rules
8 bit rules
learn flash dumbass
that was one of the most high qualaty movies i've seen on NG and it seemed pontless but the next one should be not good great but outstanding!
orther than the wind i thougt that was real cool
awe that was sad
oh my god
holy shit i can't fucking wait for the fucking next epesode....... holy shit man..... (nice)
that was kinda gay
Heh Heh check out im inspiron and I am so hot and cool that I say that pfff This is GAY pfff hahahaah im so cool.
Seriously you don't even make flash and you say this gay (I know this suck but it was made long time ago) I was only 13 when I made this shit and you you are 22 not making flash and say that everithing is gay WOW your really somebody cool !!!
hi there! if you ever feel like talking to me for any reason please feel free to drop me a line via aim
Age 36, Male
is fun :^)
Joined on 5/30/03